Terms are under construction
- Because we are just starting this site the terms are not yet complete.
- We are adding new terms so now and then. Just use common sense in thinking what may wrong or right in using this site.
- The terms will not differ very much from other sites in this industry.
- Only one account is allowed per household/ip-address.
- You cannot use an email address that is allready in use with another account
Your website/advertisment:
- do not contain racist pornographic illegal discriminating vulgar or other adult materials of any kind.
- must be in english
- do not contain or promote any viruses
- do not contain any frame breakers
- do not contain ANY message boxes such as download dialogs confirmation alerts or software installations
We will delete this kind of websites or advertisments without the right of refund.
- At this moment we only use Paypal as payment processor
- Members can request payment once their balance is at least $ 5.=
- We will pay to the members Paypal account within 7 days
- We are responsible only for submitting your payment to Paypal. Any action after that is the sole responsebility of Paypal
- Payments to HollandClick are not refundable
- Any form of charge-back will lead to immediate account suspension